(2) PONDMASTER 1700 Pond Fountain Pump Filter Kits & Fountain Head Sets – 02217


1 Buy = 2 Pondmaster 1700 Pond Filter & Pump Systems! The **Pondmaster 02217** filter system consists of: A Pondmaster 1000 filter, magnetic drive pump, one 3/4″ hose fittings, two fountain heads which can be connected to the pump and hose to connect units. The benefits of using a fountain head are: more aeration and an exciting water display. For ponds that require more filtering because of higher fish population or abundant plant growth. #####Fish safe because it’s oil free!##### @(UvC3QoV2v1o)



  • (2) New Pondmaster 1700 Pond Filter & Pump Systems!
  • Designed for easy of use
  • Suitable For Small To Medium Ponds Up To 1200 Gallons
  • Ideal for waterfalls
  • The system can be used as the sole source of bio-mechanical filtration

Details: 1 Buy = 2 Pondmaster 1700 Pond Filter & Pump Systems! The **Pondmaster 02217** filter system consists of: A Pondmaster 1000 filter, magnetic drive pump, one 3/4″ hose fittings, two fountain heads which can be connected to the pump and hose to connect units. The benefits of using a fountain head are: more aeration and an exciting water display. For ponds that require more filtering because of higher fish population or abundant plant growth. #####Fish safe because it’s oil free!##### @(UvC3QoV2v1o)


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